Tuesday 27 August 2019

Mount Tarawera eruption

Mount Tarawera eruption

I didn’t mean to blow my scorching steam
But I just wanted to be seen 
My heart broke every time people came to visit,
my rivals the pink and white terraces
I will never forget what I have done 
I know it was a long run
I hope I haven’t caused much trouble
I guess what I am trying to say is I am very sorry

The People :
You stupid piece of land 
You may as well be a wasteland
We hope you know what you have done
You burst your bubble leaving a mess  
That we all have to address

We hope you are happy now 

Christchurch earthquake poem

Christchurch earthquake poem:

The house
I shake with fear
I stand here limp with a broken heart
I am cracked from the top to the bottom
I have been abandoned, left and forgotten 
My tears have pooled around me 
My fate has already been decided 
The people
My car my house it’s all gone
I can’t find my loved ones
I hobble across the debris 
with only the clothes on my back 
If only I had taken my family and left the last time this happened

Separation poem

Separation poem:

As every day passes I drift further and further away
I know I should be having fun here in Auckland 
But I can’t stop thinking about you 

My quick, budget meals don’t compare to your cooking
Your creative trait obviously hasn’t been passed down to me 
And my driving skills are terrible

I go back to my apartment day after day all alone 
The only company I have is my new cat Fluffy
I wish you were here

The time has finally come
I am no longer here by myself I am so glad you could make it 

My heart is beating a million miles an hour just at the smell of your perfume.   


We were practicing backgrounds and hills.

Light and Dark

I was practicing making 3D shapes and adding dark and light.  

Designing my own coins

We had to design our own coins and this is mine. I decided to have the beach on one side because NZ has some really nice beaches. I also decided to do the koru and the pohutukawa because NZ is known for them.

NZ Daisy

Image result for nz daisy 
This is my drawing I did of an NZ Daisy after looking at this picture.

Thursday 22 August 2019



                 I decided to do my artwork like this because I really liked the part about the land and the red-tipped dawn and the ocean so I tried to incorporate it all into my drawing. 
When I listened to the prayer this is the image I got in my head. 

KIwiana poem

This is my Kiwiana poem about tomato sauce. I really like this poem because it makes me think.